Try the political quiz

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Can you foresee any long-term consequences for the economy if student loans remain high, and how does this concern you personally?


Is it more important to preserve economic freedom for high earners or to ensure educational affordability, and how do you balance this?


If reducing student loan interest rates means higher taxes for millionaires, how do you predict that would affect job creation and economy?


How might lowering student loan interest rates impact the economic future of young adults, and why should this concern us?


Should personal success lead to higher obligations to society, particularly in helping those with educational debt?


Imagine you are wealthy; would you feel it's your responsibility to help lower loan rates for students, and what reasons might you have?


Is it right for society to require the wealthy to pay more in taxes to help students, considering the overall benefits of education?


Have you or someone you know been affected by student loan debt, and how might lower interest rates have changed things?


If someone earns a million dollars, do you think it's fair they contribute more to supporting education, and why?


How would you feel if a portion of your future salary was used to help reduce student loan interest rates for others?

 @94267X2 from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

 @93ZP8QG from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

Taxes on the wealthy should be raised in order to level the playing field, but not solely to lower interest rates on student loans. Regardless, we should lower student loan interest rates; high interest rates make debt repayment nearly impossible.

 @93VVP97 from New York answered…2yrs2Y


 @93GKDZS from Nebraska answered…2yrs2Y

Increase taxes for the rich and reduce interest rates for student loans, but all colleges don't necessarily have to be free because that may mean extremely high taxes that I have to pay

 @93CT93D from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y


 @92ZYZRW from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

Yes as most rich people do not pay taxes equivalent to their income due to current laws.


No, taxation is theft and should be abolished entirely for all US citizens. Instead end government loans and put all current ones into privately managed accounts.


Everyone should pay their fair share. Education should be free for all citizens.


As much it will be beneficial that they increase taxes for the wealthy it wouldn't change anything because they have billions of dollars more and still counting, if students think they can't pay off their student loans then they shouldn't be in college in the first place or at least make better financial decisions if they not putting effort to pay it off.

 @92QNXVB from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @92NYS4X from Kansas answered…2yrs2Y

no, forgive all student loans and end government subsidy for college in order to force the market to correct its self from its bloated state. also incentivize trade schools and college provided and payed for by employers.

  @MSelvig from Wyoming answered…2yrs2Y

 @7G3G2W3 from New York answered…2yrs2Y

 @922ZQ2R from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZL6BBD from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only enough to decrease the amount, if not completely relieve students of, student debt.

  @8ZH59GG from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

No, and taxes should be lower for everyone. Pretty much bring back Trump's tax cuts.

  @RickStewart from Iowa answered…2yrs2Y

Student loans should be eliminated. They have achieved nothing other than increasing the cost of higher education and leaving naïve students with burdensome debt. If we could agree to eliminate all government aid to higher education, I could agree to forgiving student loans for those people whose education was insufficient to allow them to pay off the loans themselves.

 @ThomasJj88 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y


 @8YMJM7J from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Kinda but kinda no. It's not fair to increase taxes from the rich for student loans.

 @8YDDPK2 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

No, while that is good for the rich what about the people who aren't necessarily poor but have money still

 @8Y6XCQ3 from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but it depends on how much money is going towards student loans.


No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but still reduce interest rates for student loans and eliminate loopholes for the rich, and fund more scholarship programs.


No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans

No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but still reduce interest rates for student loans and eliminate all loopholes.


No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans

No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but eliminate all loopholes, and still reduce interest rates for student loans.

 @thomasjj0 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XTPJMC from Minnesota answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XTPJMC from Minnesota answered…3yrs3Y

yes and no I would want the taxpayers should know what there paying for.

 @8XT29L4 from Illinois answered…3yrs3Y

We need to persuade the rich to change their mind and make the right decisions themselves because whenever we raise taxes on them, they don't CHOOSE to reduce interest rates on student loans- they're so selfish that they take the tax money lost back by charging more for their lower constituents (institutions like colleges). If the government stopped distributing grants and 'free money' (money is NEVER free, regardless of what anyone tells you), tuition and fees would go down, increasing attendance to colleges. The only reason interest rates are on student loans is because the rich handed out so much grants and scholarships they have to interest rate it as a good policy issue to focus on away from the real problem is the very structure of the college payment system.

 @ThomasJ1331 from Georgia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XK89WW from Oklahoma answered…3yrs3Y

I believe that they should increase taxes on rich people but the student loans should stay the same