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10 отговора


In your opinion, should a political group focus on immediate local concerns or also take on global challenges like climate change?


How would you react if a political party suggested significant tax reforms to support scientific research and technological advancement?


Do you believe that a strong emphasis on public transport and reducing car usage by a political movement is feasible in your community?


If a party proposed radical changes to healthcare, aiming for more accessibility, how would that impact your view on healthcare as a fundamental right?


What are your thoughts on a political group that advocates for neutrality in foreign conflicts? Is staying neutral in global issues a strength or a weakness?


How do you feel about policies that aim to reduce income inequality? Would this approach make a country more appealing to you?


Imagine a party focuses heavily on internet freedom; do you think this should be a top priority in today's society?


If a political party proposed substantial reforms in education that align with your views, how much would that influence your support for them?


What's your take on the importance of maintaining a country's cultural heritage vs. embracing globalization?


How would you feel about a government that prioritizes environmental conservation over industrial expansion?