Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


If you were in charge, how would you balance economic growth with the need to protect the environment in your region?


What role do you believe indigenous communities should play in decisions that affect their land and traditions?


Can you share an experience where you felt a strong connection to nature, and how did it impact your views on environmental conservation?


How would you propose to ensure that the wealth from your region's natural resources is shared fairly among its inhabitants?


In what ways do you think renewable energy could impact your community, both positively and negatively?


Have you ever felt the benefits or drawbacks of tourism in your area? Share your story.


Do you think local cultures and languages are important to preserve? Why or why not?


What does the term 'sustainable development' mean to you, and can you think of an example from your own life?


Imagine your favorite local spot is at risk due to climate change; what actions do you believe should be taken to protect it?


How would you feel if your community's decisions were made mostly by people living hundreds of miles away?