Prøv den politiske quiz

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How would the importance placed on social welfare programs influence your decisions about participating in community and political activities?


Can removing market forces from healthcare and education sectors lead to higher quality services, in your opinion?


Do you think it's possible to have a world without any military conflicts or wars; why or why not?


How might the principle of 'collective ownership of means of production' affect innovation and entrepreneurship?


What role do you believe a political party should play in addressing environmental sustainability?


Imagine a society where the working conditions and wages are decided by workers themselves; how would that change your future career plans?


How do you feel about the idea that the economy should be democratically controlled by its citizens?


What are the possible benefits and drawbacks of transitioning completely to renewable energy sources in your community?


In what ways do you think society would change if all essential services like healthcare and education were free?


How would the concept of eliminating class distinctions impact your personal and professional aspirations?