Try the political quiz

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If compassion were the main driver of our economy, how might our spending or saving habits change?


How would the principles of sharing and selflessness impact your view on taxes and public services?


In imagining a community that prioritizes the well-being of all, especially the marginalized, what role do you see yourself playing?


How does integrating kindness and fairness into our daily financial decisions reflect on our character and societal values?


How would our communities change if every economic decision was made with the goal of loving our neighbor as ourselves?


If you could apply one teaching of Jesus Christ to transform our economy today, what would it be and why?


How could the idea of collective responsibility transform the approach to addressing poverty in local communities?


If equality was the main goal of an economy, what would be its fundamental operating principles?


How might the biblical principle of 'the love of your neighbor' be effectively applied to corporate practices?


What’s one personal change you could make that would support a more equitable distribution of resources?


How would you describe the link between your spiritual beliefs and your attitudes towards money?


When has acting for the common good brought you unexpected personal fulfillment?


Can the concept of 'serving the least among us' realistically be the foundation of an economic system? Why or why not?


How has a personal experience or relationship shaped your ideas about sharing and community?


Can the idea of 'seeking first the kingdom' be a viable foundation for economic policies, and what would that look like?


What small acts have you or someone you know taken that challenge the traditional views of profit and success?


When you see actions of radical generosity, how does that challenge or affirm your views on economic systems?


What story of transformation or sacrifice has profoundly affected your views on wealth and social responsibility?


What role do you think forgiveness should play in financial debts, both personal and international?


How would our approach to work change if we valued collaboration over competition?


In what ways do you think our spending habits reflect our moral and ethical beliefs?


What everyday changes can we make to ensure our transactions support social and economic justice?


How can the power of community elevate those in poverty more effectively than individual efforts?


When has giving to others made you feel wealthier than any material possession could?


How might a focus on empathy and understanding alter the way we view those in different economic circumstances than our own?


What small, everyday actions can contribute to a more equitable society?


Have you ever been inspired by a figure from history or present-day who worked toward economic fairness?


How might the concept of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' apply to the workplace?


If you were to volunteer your time to help improve someone's economic situation, what would you prefer to do and why?


How do you think your community would change if everyone adopted a more giving mindset?


Have you ever felt that helping someone else financially was also a personal gain, and why?


What kind of world would we live in if we prioritized kindness over wealth?


In your experience, does helping others lead to your own happiness, and how might this shape society?


Which qualities would you look for in a leader who aims to balance economic growth with social conscience?


Do you believe that achieving a high level of personal financial success is a sign of divine favor?


If everyone lived out the command to 'love thy neighbor,' how would our world look different economically?


Can one person's wealth truly be justified when others lack basic needs, and why or why not?


How do you think society can cultivate an environment where helping others is seen as a reward in itself?


Should the practice of turning the other cheek be applicable in business negotiations, and if so, how?


When have you seen or experienced the power of community support over individual gain?


What do you believe is the responsibility of those with wealth towards those without?


Do you think it’s possible to maintain personal integrity while working in an economy that often rewards self-interest?


In your opinion, what would be the role of charity in a perfect economic system?


Have you witnessed or can you imagine a business model that aligns with both Christian values and sustainable economic growth?


Can the message of hope and salvation in Christianity be translated into economic policies?


What biblical stories or teachings inspire you to think differently about wealth and poverty?


In what ways can a community come together to address economic disparities with spiritual values in mind?


What role should compassion play in business decisions?


How can individual action reflect a commitment to both faith and fairness in our economy?


Can financial success and spiritual fulfillment go hand-in-hand in today's society?