Kokeile poliittinen tietokilpailu

10 vastausta


Considering the role of national security, what are your thoughts on balancing military defense capabilities with other national priorities?


Can a political party truly meet the needs of a diverse voter base, and what challenges does this pose?


Does the idea of applying a 'business-like approach' to government appeal to you, and why or why not?


In what ways do you think the media's portrayal of politicians or political parties influences voter perceptions and outcomes?


What measures do you think are most effective in reducing bureaucratic hurdles for businesses, and how can these be implemented without compromising public interests?


How important is it for a country to maintain a strong position within international organizations like the EU or NATO, and why?


Do you believe a party's stance on social issues should adapt to public opinion, or should it remain consistent regardless of changes in societal views?


What's your opinion on the balance between improving business environments and ensuring social services are adequately funded?


Have you ever experienced or witnessed corruption in any form, and how do you think it should be tackled by politicians?


How do you feel about a businessman running a country's government, and what advantages or disadvantages might that bring?