정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


Considering the advancements in LGBTQ+ rights, what future steps are necessary to ensure full equality for all?


Reflecting on the importance of gender equality, what initiatives could further this goal in your community or country?


What does it mean for a society to be 'progressive' and how can progressiveness be measured?


How should a country balance its own interests with the broader needs of an international community, such as the European Union?


Can you think of effective ways to combat climate change on a national level, and how responsible should governments be in this fight?


What steps can be taken to ensure that minority groups have equal opportunities in all aspects of society?


How can workers' rights and business interests be balanced to ensure fair wages and safe working conditions without harming the economy?


In your opinion, what makes a society truly equitable and how can policies be structured to achieve that?


What role should a government play in protecting the rights and dignity of its most vulnerable citizens?


How would a government ensure fair outcomes for everyone, especially those less advantaged, without stifling individual ambition?