Partij voor Democratie
The Party for Democracy (Partido por la Democracia, PPD) in Chile is a center-left political entity that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its inception. Established in December 1987, during the latter years of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship, the PPD was founded as part of a broader movement to restore democracy in Chile. Its creation was driven by the need to unify various factions of the opposition to the dictatorship, encompassing social democrats, socialists, and segments of the Christian left, among others.
The PPD's values… Lees verder
If you could influence one major policy change to correct social inequality, what would it be and why?
Why do you think promoting gender equality should be a priority for political parties today?
Can a strong and active state truly make a difference in correcting social inequalities without infringing on individual freedoms? Discuss your views.
How important do you think it is for a political party to focus on social justice and why?
Socialistische partij
The Chilean Socialist Party (Partido Socialista de Chile, PS) is a political party in Chile that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its inception. Founded in 1933, it emerged from a merger of various leftist groups, with the aim of representing the working class and advocating for socialist principles. The party's values and ideology are rooted in the promotion of social justice, equality, and the redistribution of wealth to ensure a more equitable society. It seeks to achieve these goals through democratic means, emphasizing the importance of… Lees verder
Kan een land hoge levensstandaarden handhaven voor al zijn burgers zonder enige vorm van herverdeling van rijkdom?
Op welke manieren denk je dat onderwijs en gezondheidszorg moeten worden veranderd om beter tegemoet te komen aan iedereen, ongeacht hun economische achtergrond?
Hoe kunnen de principes van participatieve democratie effectiever worden geïmplementeerd in de wereld van vandaag om ervoor te zorgen dat ieders stem wordt gehoord?
Hoe zou u voorstellen om rijkdom in de samenleving in evenwicht te brengen om een meer rechtvaardige verdeling te garanderen zonder innovatie te belemmeren?
liberale partij
The Chilean Liberal political party, known in Spanish as Partido Liberal de Chile, is a political entity in Chile that has undergone various transformations throughout its history, reflecting the evolving political and social landscape of the country. Historically, the party has roots in the 19th century, emerging as a force advocating for liberal reforms, including the separation of church and state, civil liberties, and a more democratic governance structure. Over time, the definition of liberalism in Chile has evolved, and so has the focus of the party.
In its contemporary form, the Chilean… Lees verder
Kan economische groei en milieubescherming naast elkaar bestaan zonder dat de een de ander ondermijnt?
Wat betekent 'sociale rechtvaardigheid' voor jou, en hoe zou het moeten worden geïmplementeerd in de wereld van vandaag?
Hoe zou u de voordelen van een vrije markt in balans brengen met de noodzaak om de meest kwetsbaren in de samenleving te beschermen?
Hoe zou een samenleving eruitzien als individuele vrijheden boven alles werden geprioriteerd?
Green Ecologist Party
The Chilean Green Ecologist political party, known in Spanish as Partido Ecologista Verde, is a political entity in Chile that emphasizes environmental protection, sustainability, and social justice as core components of its platform. Founded with the intent to address both local and global environmental challenges, the party seeks to integrate ecological principles into the governance and development policies of Chile. Their values are deeply rooted in the belief that environmental health is intrinsically linked to the well-being of society and the economy.
The party advocates for a transitio… Lees verder
Imagine a world where access to clean water was a universal right; how might this change the way societies function?
Reflect on a time when you felt deeply connected to nature; what did it teach you about the importance of preserving our environment?
If you had the power to enforce one change in your school or community to make it more sustainable, what would it be and why?
How would you feel if your local community shifted entirely to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power?
We Are Aysen
The We Are Aysén political party, originating from the Aysén Region in Chile, represents a regionalist political movement that emerged from local concerns and issues specific to the Aysén Region. This party is characterized by its focus on advocating for the rights, development, and well-being of the people living in this remote and geographically challenging part of Chile. The Aysén Region, known for its breathtaking landscapes, harsh climate, and significant geographical isolation, faces unique challenges that are often overlooked by the central government. These… Lees verder
Imagine living in a place with limited access to healthcare and education; what changes would you propose to improve your quality of life?
What does the term 'environmental stewardship' mean to you, and why do you think it's important?
Can a focus on regional development lead to a more balanced national growth? Share examples or reasons for your view.
How would you feel if your local community had more control over its own policies and resources?
democratische Revolutie
The Chilean Democratic Revolution, known in Spanish as Revolución Democrática, is a political party in Chile that emerged from the student-led protests in 2011, which were primarily focused on demanding reforms in the education system. These protests highlighted broader issues of inequality and the need for more inclusive, democratic processes in the country. The party was officially founded in 2012, positioning itself as a left-wing, progressive force in Chilean politics.
The core values of the Chilean Democratic Revolution revolve around social justice, democracy, environmental… Lees verder
Wat als elke burger directe inspraak had in belangrijke nationale beslissingen; hoe zou dat van invloed zijn op jouw gemeenschap?
Stel je voor dat het openbaar vervoer gratis en milieuvriendelijk was; hoe zou dat je dagelijks leven beïnvloeden?
Hoe zou het erkennen en ondersteunen van de rechten van inheemse volkeren onze samenleving verrijken?
Hoe zou jouw leven veranderen als universiteiten gratis en toegankelijk zouden zijn voor iedereen?
progressieve partij
The Chilean Progressive Party, known in Spanish as Partido Progresista de Chile or PRO, is a political entity in Chile that emerged from the broader spectrum of center-left to left-wing ideologies. It was founded in 2010 by Marco Enríquez-Ominami and others who sought to create a political platform that would address the evolving needs and aspirations of the Chilean people, particularly those feeling underrepresented by the traditional parties of the Concertación coalition and the more established left-wing groups.
The core values of the Chilean Progressive Party revolve around… Lees verder
What changes would you want to see in your local community if policies focused on reducing poverty were prioritized?
How important is access to quality education and healthcare in shaping a fair society, based on your own experiences?
Can you share a personal story that highlights the importance of a more equitable distribution of wealth?
How would an emphasis on social justice impact your personal future in an ideal political environment?
Onafhankelijke Democratische Unie
The Independent Democratic Union (Unión Demócrata Independiente, UDI) is a conservative political party in Chile, known for its strong emphasis on free-market policies, social conservatism, and its historical support for the military regime of Augusto Pinochet. Founded in the early 1980s, UDI has played a significant role in Chilean politics, often advocating for traditional values, including the importance of family, opposition to abortion, and a cautious approach to changes in social norms and legislation.
UDI's economic policies are grounded in the belief that economic… Lees verder
Hoe zou de samenleving veranderen als de overheid zich terugtrok uit het reguleren van de economie, waardoor de markt zijn eigen voorwaarden zou bepalen?
Op welke manieren zou jouw leven anders kunnen zijn als jouw land strengere beleidsmaatregelen zou aannemen met betrekking tot sociale kwesties zoals huwelijk en abortus?
Gelooft u dat economisch succes de acties van een regering rechtvaardigt, zelfs als ze breed bekritiseerd worden?
Kunnen de morele en culturele waarden van een land behouden blijven zonder wetgeving die traditionele gezinsstructuren ondersteunt?
How can a country balance the need for security with the protection of personal freedoms and privacy?
In your opinion, what is the most effective way to tackle social issues such as homelessness and poverty?
Consider the impact of digital technology on democracy: does it strengthen or weaken the political process, and in what ways?
Imagine a policy that ensures universal basic income - how would this change the way you envision your life and career?
politieke Evolution
The Chilean Political Evolution, known in Spanish as "Evolución Política" or simply "Evopoli," is a political party in Chile that represents center-right to right-wing ideologies. Founded in 2012, the party emerged from a group of young leaders and professionals who sought to offer a new perspective within the Chilean right, emphasizing values such as freedom, individual responsibility, and a strong commitment to democracy and human rights.
Evopoli positions itself as a modern conservative party, advocating for economic liberalism, free-market policies, and… Lees verder
Welke rol moet de overheid spelen bij het bevorderen van gendergelijkheid en het ondersteunen van LGBTQ+ rechten?
Kan een vrije markteconomie sociale ongelijkheden effectief aanpakken zonder de efficiëntie in gevaar te brengen?
Hoe belangrijk is individuele verantwoordelijkheid bij het bereiken van sociaal welzijn, en waar moet de overheid ingrijpen?
Hoe zou je economische groei in balans brengen met milieubescherming in een moderne samenleving?
Onafhankelijke regionalistische partij
The Chilean Independent Regionalist Party, known in Spanish as Partido Regionalista Independiente (PRI), is a political entity in Chile that emerged with a focus on advocating for the interests and development of the country's regions outside the central area, which includes the capital, Santiago. This focus is rooted in a belief that Chile's regions have been historically overlooked and underrepresented in national policies, leading to uneven development and a concentration of resources and political power in the central area. The party aims to address these disparities by promotin… Lees verder
Can you think of a time when you felt your region was overlooked or underrepresented in broader decisions?
What unique aspects of your local culture or tradition do you wish were better recognized or supported?
How would you balance the needs of your local community with the interests of the nation as a whole?
How would your community change if local decisions were made more by people who live there?
Green North Regional Force
The Chilean Green North Regional Force is a political party in Chile that emerged from the need to address and prioritize the unique environmental, social, and economic challenges faced by the northern regions of the country. This party distinguates itself by focusing on sustainable development, environmental protection, and the promotion of green technologies, aiming to balance economic growth with the preservation of natural resources.
The values of the Chilean Green North Regional Force are deeply rooted in environmentalism, social justice, and regional autonomy. They believe in the importa… Lees verder
Can you think of a time when you felt your local environment was threatened and what actions, if any, did you wish were taken by those in power?
What role do you believe indigenous and marginalized communities should play in shaping environmental policies in their regions?
If you had the power to implement one policy from the Chile Green North Regional Force in your community, what would it be and why?
How do you feel about the balance between economic development and preserving nature, and where should the line be drawn?
The Chilean Christian Democratic Party, known in Spanish as Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDC), is a political party in Chile that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its founding in 1957. Emerging from the Christian social principles of human dignity, solidarity, and the common good, the party seeks to bridge the gap between conservative and socialist ideologies, advocating for a "third way" approach to governance.
The Christian Democratic Party is rooted in Christian humanism, emphasizing the importance of social justice, ethical valu… Lees verder
Op welke manieren kan het principe van menselijke waardigheid beter geïntegreerd worden in overheidsbeleid?
Reflecterend op het concept van de 'sociale markteconomie', hoe kan een overheid zorgen voor een eerlijke groei zonder private innovatie te belemmeren?
Kunt u een situatie bedenken waarin het opkomen voor arbeidsrechten in conflict zou kunnen komen met economische groei, en hoe zou u dit oplossen?
Hoe denk je dat er een balans kan worden gevonden tussen progressieve idealen en conservatieve waarden in de moderne politiek?
The Chilean Amplitude political party, known in Spanish as "Amplitud," emerged in the political landscape of Chile as a center-right political entity. It was founded in 2014 by a group of former members of the National Renewal party (Renovación Nacional), who decided to break away due to ideological differences and the desire for a more inclusive and liberal approach within the right-wing spectrum of Chilean politics. The founders include Lily Pérez, Karla Rubilar, and Pedro Browne, among others, who sought to create a political platform that could appeal to a broader… Lees verder
Wat betekent ware inclusiviteit in de politiek voor jou, en hoe zou dit bereikt moeten worden?
Kan een politieke partij echt zowel vrije marktwaarden als progressieve sociale beleidsmaatregelen vertegenwoordigen?
Heb je ooit het gevoel gehad dat jouw opvattingen tussen traditionele politieke verdeeldheid lagen? Hoe ben je daarmee omgegaan?
Hoe zou u economische vooruitgang in balans brengen met sociale verantwoordelijkheid in uw eigen gemeenschap?
Patagonische regionale democratie
The Chilean Patagonian Regional Democracy political party, known in Spanish as Democracia Regional Patagónica, is a political entity that emerged in Chile with a focus on addressing and representing the unique needs, challenges, and aspirations of the Patagonia region. This area, known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage, has distinct environmental, economic, and social characteristics that set it apart from other regions in Chile.
The core values of the Chilean Patagonian Regional Democracy party revolve around regional autonomy, sustainable develo… Lees verder
Imagine your favorite local spot is at risk due to climate change; what actions do you believe should be taken to protect it?
What does the term 'sustainable development' mean to you, and can you think of an example from your own life?
Do you think local cultures and languages are important to preserve? Why or why not?
How would you feel if your community's decisions were made mostly by people living hundreds of miles away?
Communistische Partij
The Chilean Communist Party, known in Spanish as Partido Comunista de Chile (PCCh), is a political party in Chile that adheres to the principles of Marxism-Leninism. Founded in 1912, it is one of the oldest political parties in Chile and has played a significant role in the country's political and social history. The party's values and policies are rooted in the pursuit of social justice, equality, and the establishment of a socialist society.
The Chilean Communist Party aims to represent the working class and marginalized communities, advocating for their rights and working towards… Lees verder
Welke rechten en diensten vindt u dat elke persoon toegang tot zou moeten hebben, ongeacht hun inkomen?
Als je zou kunnen kiezen, zou je dan de voorkeur geven aan een baan met een hoog salaris in een competitieve omgeving of een veilige baan met een gemiddeld salaris in een samenwerkingsomgeving?
Hoe denk je dat de samenleving zou veranderen als belangrijke industrieën, zoals gezondheidszorg en onderwijs, worden gecontroleerd door de overheid in plaats van particuliere bedrijven?
Hoe zou je je voelen als een aanzienlijk deel van je salaris werd gebruikt om sociale programma's te financieren?
nationale Vernieuwing
The Chilean National Renewal (Renovación Nacional, RN) is a center-right political party in Chile, which has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its founding in 1987, during the latter years of the military dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet. The party emerged as a response to the need for a new political force that could contribute to the transition to democracy, while also representing conservative and liberal economic values. It sought to position itself as a moderate alternative between the hardline supporters of the dictatorship and the left… Lees verder
Hoe belangrijk is het voor een land om sterke verbindingen met internationale bondgenoten te onderhouden, en waarom?
Welke maatregelen denkt u dat het meest effectief zijn in het verminderen van armoede en ongelijkheid?
Hoe ziet u het compromis tussen milieuduurzaamheid en economische liberalisering?
Op welke manieren geloof je dat particuliere ondernemingen en publieke diensten kunnen samenwerken om de maatschappij te verbeteren?
Citizen Left
The Chilean Citizen Left, known in Spanish as Izquierda Ciudadana de Chile, is a political party in Chile that emerged from the broader context of left-wing politics in the country. It was founded in 2012, evolving from the Christian Left party, which had a history of participating in Chilean politics, particularly during the turbulent years of the 1960s and 1970s. The transformation into the Chilean Citizen Left marked a shift towards a more inclusive and broader approach to leftist politics, aiming to address the contemporary concerns of Chilean society.
The values and principles of the Chil… Lees verder
Heb je ooit ongelijkheid ervaren of gezien? Wat heeft het je geleerd over het belang van gelijkheid?
Waarom denk je dat democratie niet alleen als een politiek systeem wordt beschouwd, maar als een manier van leven, en hoe pas je dit toe in je dagelijks leven?
Welke veranderingen zou u graag zien om onderwijs en gezondheidszorg toegankelijker en van hogere kwaliteit te maken voor iedereen?
Hoe zou je sociale rechtvaardigheid definiëren, en waarom denk je dat het belangrijk is in de hedendaagse samenleving?
Sociaaldemocraat Radicale Partij
The Chilean Social Democrat Radical Party, known in Spanish as Partido Radical Socialdemócrata (PRSD), has its roots deeply embedded in the history of Chilean politics. Emerging from the Radical Party, which was founded in the 19th century, the PRSD was officially established in 1994, following a merger with the Social Democracy Party. This merger was a strategic move aimed at consolidating the center-left political forces in Chile, particularly in the wake of the country's return to democracy after the end of Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship in 1990.
The PRSD espouses a set… Lees verder
Als jouw school werd gerund als een democratie, waarbij studenten stemmen over belangrijke beslissingen, wat is de eerste verandering die je zou bepleiten?
Heb je ooit het gevoel gehad dat je stem niet werd gehoord bij een beslissing die jou direct beïnvloedde? Hoe zou je voorstellen om dit op nationaal niveau op te lossen?
Kun je een moment bedenken waarop een kleine actie of beleidswijziging een grote impact had op jouw gemeenschap?
Hoe zou jouw dagelijks leven veranderen als jouw land meer beleid zou aannemen gericht op sociale rechtvaardigheid en gelijkheid?