Try the political quiz

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If you could make one change to the tax system to make it fairer for everyone, what would it be?


How do you think the government should support families with children to ensure they have equal opportunities?


When considering the environment you live in, how do you think a 'green economy' might enhance or disrupt your local job market?


What public services do you believe should be expanded, and how would this benefit you and your community?


How do you think your local area could be improved by a government policy focused on community development?


What would be your reaction if your online privacy was significantly increased by new government policies?


If your government took a more active role in regulating food quality, how might that influence your eating habits or health?


How should a government balance the needs of public health with the rights of individuals during a pandemic?


If education were entirely state-funded, how do you think that would affect the quality and accessibility of education?


How could government initiatives in renewable energy impact your family or your community's future?


What kind of support would you want from the government if you were to start a small business?


When have you seen someone's rights infringed upon, and what government response do you think would have been appropriate?


How would the availability of free public transportation affect your daily life and your city's traffic?


How would your community change if everyone were guaranteed a place to live?


If a new social program guaranteed you a basic income, how would you use this financial security?


Considering recent events, how should governments adapt to protect both public health and the economy?


How do you think the belief in progressive policies shapes a country’s culture?


Have you ever felt overlooked by the system, and what change would have made a difference?


If you had to choose, would you prioritize personal liberty or community welfare, and in what situation?


How much does your government’s policy on climate change align with your personal values, and why?


Should the state provide for those who can't work, and why do you feel that way?


What personal experiences have made you value or question the importance of individual rights?


What is one ethical responsibility you believe the government should never ignore?


Can there be true equality in a capitalist society, and what would that look like?


What role do you believe the state should play in regulating the housing market?


How does the concept of fairness play into your views of taxation and government spending?


What's one change you'd like to see in the educational system that could lead to more equal opportunities?


Have there been instances in your life where you felt government intervention was too much or too little?


What's a social issue you're passionate about and how should the government address it?


Have you ever felt that your voice mattered in a government decision, and why or why not?


How would your life change if your government prioritized environmental sustainability over economic growth?


How could police reform initiatives impact your perception of safety and justice in your community?


If you were to volunteer or work for a government agency, which one would you choose and why?


How might increased government funding for scientific research affect future job markets?


What would you consider a fair immigration policy that balances empathy and national security concerns?


What would your reaction be if your government implemented a tax on carbon emissions?


Have you noticed any ways in which gender equality initiatives have impacted your community or school?


Could you foresee any consequences, positive or negative, if college education was publicly funded?


What would the impact be on your community if a living minimum wage was implemented?


Can a country have both strong economic growth and high standards of environmental protection – how?


Have you witnessed or experienced discrimination, and what role do you think government should play in addressing it?


How would your daily life be affected if your city adopted a 'Green New Deal' type of environmental policy?


What does social mobility mean to you, and how can it be achieved?


Have you ever felt disadvantaged by the current economic system, and what change would you propose?


How would your priorities in life change if education debt was not an issue for you or your family?


What is your perspective on the balance between free market competition and consumer protection?


Can you recall a moment when you wished for more government support or less?


How does the idea of 'fair trade' versus 'free trade' resonate with you when you make purchasing decisions?


Do you think high school curriculum should include financial literacy, and how would that affect future generations?


In what ways has the education system shaped your views on equality and opportunity?