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 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Các tù nhân Palestine được phóng thích cáo buộc bị lạm dụng trong nhà tù Israel

Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli jails say that guards carried out abuse and collective punishment in the weeks after the Hamas attacks on Israel on 7 October.

They have described being hit with sticks, having muzzled dogs set on them, and their clothes, food and blankets taken away.

One female prisoner has said she was threatened with rape, and that guards twice tear-gassed inmates inside the cells.

The BBC spoke to six people in total, all of whom said they were beaten before leaving jail.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society says some guards are alleged to have urinated on handcuffed prisoners. And that six prisoners have died in Israeli custody in the past seven weeks.

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Có hiểu và giải quyết những bất đồng từ cả hai phía có thể dẫn đến một giải pháp lâu dài, hay đó chỉ là một biện pháp tạm thời?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Quan trọng như thế nào khi giữ cho những người chịu trách nhiệm về lạm dụng phải chịu trách nhiệm, bất kể bối cảnh là gì?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Bạn có tin rằng bất kỳ tình huống nào cũng có thể chứng minh việc sử dụng các biện pháp như vậy đối với tù nhân không?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Những cáo buộc này tiết lộ điều gì về các vấn đề lớn hơn về quyền con người và phẩm giá trong các xung đột?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Chuck Schumer Mời Netanyahu Phát biểu tại Quốc hội

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is poised to join Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) in inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver an address to Congress, despite tensions between the Israeli leader and many Democrats over the ongoing war in the Middle East.

Johnson told The Hill this week that he sent Schumer a draft invitation around a month ago, but the Senate leader has been sitting on it since.

Netanyahu’s visit — if it does materialize — is sure to spark outrage among liberals, who have strongly criticized the prime minister’s handling…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Bạn tin rằng việc mời một nhà lãnh đạo nước ngoài đến Quốc hội để phát biểu có thể ảnh hưởng đến ý kiến công chúng hoặc thay đổi cách kể chuyện về một xung đột quốc tế đến đâu?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Làm thế nào Quốc hội nên phản ứng khi một diễn giả đến thăm có lịch sử phản đối chính sách của một phần đáng kể các thành viên của nó?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Có phải lợi ích tiềm năng của việc nghe trực tiếp từ một nhà lãnh đạo thế giới tham gia vào xung đột vượt qua rủi ro tăng cường chính trị phân hóa trong Quốc hội không?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Để mời một nhân vật gây tranh cãi phát biểu tại Quốc hội, điều đó ngụ ý điều gì về sự cân bằng giữa ngoại giao và sự chia rẽ chính trị nội bộ?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Bernie Sanders bảo vệ những người biểu tình tại trường đại học bị cáo buộc là ủng hộ Hamas

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that many of the pro-Palestine demonstrating on college campuses are doing so “for the right reasons.”

The Vermont lawmaker joined CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour where the pair discussed President Joe Biden’s recent condemnation of the pro-Palestine protests over the use of pro-Hamas chants and anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Sanders said the president was correct in calling out hate and violence at pro-Gaza protests, but said it is important to draw a distinction for those protesting against the Israeli government.

AMANPOUR: Do you believe President Bide…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Các nhân vật công cộng như Bernie Sanders có trách nhiệm gì trong việc hình thành quan điểm công chúng về các phong trào biểu tình?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Làm thế nào để người biểu tình đảm bảo rằng thông điệp của họ được nghe theo ý định mà không bị hiểu lầm hoặc bị chiếm đoạt bởi những người khác có nền tảng khác nhau?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Có phải là phù hợp khi gán nhãn mọi chỉ trích về chính sách của một chính phủ là ủng hộ cho kẻ thù của chính phủ đó không?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Có nên cá nhân phải chịu trách nhiệm về các khẩu hiệu hoặc khẩu ngữ được sử dụng trong các cuộc biểu tình mà họ tham gia, ngay cả khi niềm tin cá nhân của họ không phù hợp với những thông điệp đó không?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Quân Nga tiến vào căn cứ không quân Mỹ ở Niger

Russian military personnel have entered an air base in Niger that is hosting U.S. troops, a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters, a move that follows a decision by Niger's junta to expel U.S. forces from the country.

The military officers ruling the West African nation have told the U.S. to withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel from the country, which until a coup last year had been a key partner for Washington's fight against insurgents who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.

A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Xem xét tác động đối với cộng đồng địa phương và quan điểm của họ khi các căn cứ quân sự nước ngoài được thiết lập trong nước họ; bạn nghĩ họ có thể có những lo ngại hoặc lợi ích gì không?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Nếu lãnh đạo của đất nước bạn thay đổi liên minh quốc tế của mình, chọn hợp tác với quân đội của một quốc gia khác, bạn sẽ cảm thấy thế nào về sự thay đổi này?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Trong tình huống mà hai lực lượng quốc tế đối lập đặt tại gần nhau trong nước của bạn, bạn dự đoán rằng điều này sẽ ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống hàng ngày và cảm giác an ninh của bạn như thế nào?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Hãy tưởng tượng rằng chính phủ của bạn quyết định đón tiếp quân đội từ một quốc gia mà bạn coi là đối thủ hoặc đe dọa; phản ứng ngay lập tức của bạn sẽ là gì?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Boston City Council Joins Calls for Gaza Cease-Fire Amid Rising Tensions

In a move that underscores the global reach of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the Boston City Council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza. This decision aligns Boston with other Massachusetts cities like Cambridge and Somerville, which have already expressed similar sentiments. The resolution, passed with an 11-2 vote, not only advocates for a halt to the hostilities but also demands the release of all hostages held by Hamas and all administrative detainees by Israel. This collective stance by local governments in the United States reflects a growing…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Pentagon Acknowledges Fatal Mistake in Syria Drone Strike

In a rare admission of error, the Pentagon has acknowledged that a drone strike in Syria earlier this year mistakenly killed a civilian instead of the intended Al Qaeda target. The strike, which took place on May 3, 2023, was initially believed to have eliminated a senior Al Qaeda leader. However, subsequent investigations by the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) revealed a grave mistake: the victim was a civilian, identified as Mr. Lufti Hasan Masto, a shepherd, not a terrorist operative. This revelation has sparked a wave of scrutiny over the U.S. military's operations and its drone warfa…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Landmark Ruling: Italy Wins Legal Battle Over Ancient Greek Bronze at Getty Museum

In a landmark decision that has captured the attention of the art world and legal experts alike, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld Italy's claim to an ancient Greek bronze, currently housed at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The ruling, delivered on Thursday, marks the culmination of a long-standing legal battle over the rightful ownership of the 'Victorious Youth,' a statue of a nude athlete fished from the Adriatic Sea in the 1960s. Italy has argued that the bronze was illegally exported and has sought its return for decades.

The case reached the ECHR after…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Ấn Độ chỉ trích Canada vì cung cấp 'không gian chính trị' cho cực đoan và chủ nghĩa ly khai

In a recent development that has strained India-Canada relations, India has openly criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's remarks, which are perceived as providing a 'political space' for separatism and extremism within Canada. This criticism comes in the wake of Trudeau's comments that were seen as sympathetic towards Khalistani elements, a separatist movement seeking an independent Sikh homeland, which has been a long-standing issue between India and Canada. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has expressed concern over the implications of such pol…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

India Claps Back at US Commission's Report on Religious Freedom

India has vehemently rejected the recent report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), labeling it as biased and accusing the commission of harboring a political agenda. The report, which criticized India for alleged violations of religious freedoms and accused the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of promoting discriminatory policies, has sparked a significant backlash from the Indian government. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) was quick to respond, dismissing the accusations as unfounded and reflective of a misunderstanding of India's diverse and plu…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Global Powers Urged to Keep AI Out of Nuclear Weapons Control

In a significant move aimed at maintaining human oversight over the world's most dangerous weapons, a senior U.S. official has called on China and Russia to agree that artificial intelligence (AI) should never control nuclear weapons. This plea emphasizes the growing concern among global leaders about the potential risks associated with the integration of AI in military operations, particularly in the context of nuclear warfare. The United States, alongside France and Britain, has already declared its commitment to ensuring that decisions regarding the deployment of nuclear weapons remai…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Hoa Kỳ đang cạn kiệt bom khi chiến tranh giữa Israel và Ukraine leo thang

The U.S. has transferred tens of thousands of its bombs and shells to Israel since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

But it hasn’t given Israel everything it wants. That’s because the U.S. military lacks the capacity to provide some of the weapons Israel requested, according to Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In addition to Israel, the Biden administration has sent an enormous quantity of materiel to Ukraine since Russia’s 2022 invasion. Meanwhile, the U.S. is gearing up to rush an influx of arms to Taiwan in hopes of deterring a possible Chinese attack on the…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

How does the prospect of the U.S. running out of bombs affect your personal views on international military aid and involvement?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Should the decision to send bombs and military aid be influenced more by political alliances or humanitarian concerns?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

What are the moral implications of transferring large quantities of weapons to conflict zones?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

If the U.S. continues to deplete its arsenal, how should it balance between aiding allies and maintaining its own defense readiness?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Colombia cuts off all diplomatic ties with Israel

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said on Wednesday he will break diplomatic relations with Israel over its actions in Gaza.

Petro has already heavily criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and requested to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice.

“Here in front of you, the government of change, of the president of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of Israel ... for having a government, for having a president who is genocidal,” Petro told cheering crowds in Bog…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Is it more important for a country to stand by its moral convictions or to maintain diplomatic relationships for the sake of international stability and cooperation?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Should countries intervene in the actions of other nations if they believe human rights are being violated, even if it leads to breaking diplomatic relationships?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Do you think it's fair to label a leader or a country's actions as 'genocidal' based on their military or political decisions? Why or why not?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

How would you feel if your country decided to cut off diplomatic ties with another country based on its actions towards another group or nation?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Russia now accepts headscarves and hijabs in passport photos.

Moscow has relaxed regulations covering applications by foreign nationals applying for citizenship, and will allow headscarves and hijabs in passport photographs, the Russian Interior Ministry said last Wednesday.

The new law will come into force on May 5, ten days after its publication.

“In cases where the religious beliefs of the applicant do not allow them to appear in front of strangers without a head covering, photographs are to be provided in head coverings that do not hide the oval of the face,” the document states.

Pictures with scarves that fully or partially obscure the chi…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

If clothing or accessories important to your identity were initially banned in official photos, how would you react to a change allowing them?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

What does the allowance of headscarves and hijabs in passport photos say to you about cultural acceptance and diversity?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Saudi Arabia Cracks Down: Israel Critics Arrested

Saudi Arabia has stepped up the arrest of citizens for social-media posts related to the Israel-Hamas war as the kingdom signals a readiness to agree to diplomatic relations with the Jewish state — if it commits to Palestinian statehood.

Detaining people for online comments — even those more than 10 years old — and restrictions on free speech and political expression are the norm in Saudi Arabia. Yet the recent spate of arrests are motivated by security concerns specifically linked to the deadly Oct. 7 invasion of Israel by Hamas and its aftermath, according to Riyadh-based…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

How would you feel if expressing your opinions on social media could lead to your arrest?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

The Cruel Spectacle of British Asylum Policy

The Safety of Rwanda Act allow the British government to finally, after two years, enact its policy to permanently deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Some of the most vulnerable people in Britain will be rounded up, detained and then — in theory — flown some 4,000 miles to Rwanda’s capital, Kigali.

Nearly 30,000 people made small-boat journeys to Britain last year alone, and deaths have become more common. Five people, including a child, died making the crossing last week, hours after the bill passed.

The deal was condemned by human rights groups and the United Nations’ ref…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

How does the portrayal of asylum seekers in this policy reflect on our society's values and attitudes towards empathy and compassion for those in need?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Trump praises New York police raid on Columbia university protesters

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday it "was a beautiful thing to watch" New York police officers raiding a Columbia University building occupied by pro-Palestinian students, and called on officials to crack down on campus protests across the United States.

"New York was under siege last night," Trump told supporters at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, praising the police officers for arresting about 300 protesters at Columbia and City College of New York who he referred to as "raging lunatics and Hamas sympathizers."

Trump comments…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Considering both sides of the student protests, how do you balance the line between freedom of speech and creating a safe campus environment?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Do you believe calling protesters 'raging lunatics' is a fair characterization for those advocating for political causes?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

Can public safety measures justify the suppression of peaceful protests, in your opinion?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…1 tháng1MO

How do you feel about using the term 'beautiful' to describe the police raid on student protesters?

  @lemans3427 từ California Đã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

Hamas khó có thể chấp nhận thỏa thuận hòa bình

Hamas is likely to turn down Israel’s proposal for a truce as it does not include clear commitments for ending the war in Gaza, a top official from the group has said.

Souheil al-Hindi, a member of Hamas’s leadership in Gaza, said late on Wednesday that the terrorist group is likely to respond negatively to the much-touted proposal for a 40-day ceasefire and the exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

He told AFP: “Hamas is open to any dialogue with mediators, whether Egyptian or Qatari, and is also open to all initiatives to end the war on the Palestinian people, but within very clear conditions that cannot be abandoned.”

“As long as there is a continuation of the war, I believe that the Palestinian resistance has spoken on this issue.”

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…1 tháng1MO

116 Russian Soldiers Killed In Missile Strike

More than 100 Russian soldiers were reportedly killed when a volley of Atacms missiles hit a training base in eastern Ukraine in one of the highest single losses of Russian lives in months.

Drone footage shared on social media appeared to show at least four of the short-range ballistic missiles, armed with cluster warheads, smash the gathering of Russian troops in as little as 95 seconds.

Ukraine has been begging the US for months to supply high-precision, long-range Atacms missiles, before they were secretly shipped to Kyiv last month.

Western analysts said the attack occurred on a Russian trai…  Đọc thêm